A List of Great C# Git Repos

Most Popular These repos are some of the most popular C# repositories. You are likely familiar with most of these by reputation at least. .NET Core – This is the granddaddy of C# open source projects. The .NET Core Framework. Roslyn – This is the project that performs code analysis for C# and Visual Basic. Mono – The original cross-platform …

Constructor Chaining in C#

In this post, we will look at constructor chaining in C#. What is Constructor Chaining? Constructor chaining occurs when you use one constructor in a class to call another constructor on the same class. Often, because the constructors must have different signatures, you supply a safe or default value for the second constructor. Listing 1.1 – Constructor Chaining public MessagePrinter(string …

An Introduction to the AntiForgeryToken HTML Helper

The ASP.NET MVC AntiForgeryToken HTML Helper is a widely used but not well-understood helper. In this post, I will look at the details of the helper, explain how it works, and how you should be using it.     What is the AntiForgeryToken Helper? The AntiForgeryToken helper protects your site from cross-site request forgery. Cross-site request forgery is the process …

5 Must Know Visual Studio Tips and Tricks

Visual Studio is an extremely large program. You are very unlikely to use even half the features of the program during your career. It is a tool that is very easy to learn and very difficult to master. Here are 5 tips that will help you move in the right direction. ALT + B + U The ALT + B …