The World through the Lens of a New Engineer

I have been spending a lot of time lately trying to see the world through the lens of a new software engineer. It is difficult because I need to forget everything I know and approach the task of developing software as someone that has never written a line of code. This is not purely an educational pursuit. I am trying …

Two Unlikely Great Books to Read

I am a Kindle Unlimited subscriber. This opens up an entire world of books that I likely would not read otherwise in business, self-development, and fantasy (which I love) but, let’s be honest. Many of the books included in the Unlimited library just aren’t that great. I can’t count the number of books that I returned in disgust because the …

How do You Determine What to Learn Next?

It’s no secret that as developers, the learning curve is literally never ending. It is just impossible to stay caught up completely on a modern set of skills. In this post, I will show my method of how I determine what I will learn next. If you have ever read The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People you are probably …

The 3 Best Self-Help Books I Have Read in 2018…so far

I read quite a bit. I read to fall asleep. I read to pass the time between Pomodoros when I am taking the short break. I read during lunch. I also listen to audio books and subscribe to Kindle Unlimited so I have plenty of options. However, I don’t typically read the most recent fad books unless I think I …