A List of Great C# Git Repos

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These repos are some of the most popular C# repositories. You are likely familiar with most of these by reputation at least.

  1. .NET Core – This is the granddaddy of C# open source projects. The .NET Core Framework.
  2. Roslyn – This is the project that performs code analysis for C# and Visual Basic.
  3. Mono – The original cross-platform open source .NET Framework created a very long time ago by one of the smartest guys on the plant: Miguel de Icaza. It was incredibly ambitious and it has, by all rights, succeeded.
  4. MonoGame – Another really ambitious project. Its aim was to create a framework for developing cross-platform games. It was loosely modeled on Microsoft’s XNA Platform.
  5. ASP.NET Core – The repo covering the port from ASP.NET to ASP.NET Core.
  6. Xamarin – The Xamarin mobile development platform that allows C# developers to create cross-platform mobile apps that eventually compile into native code. Xamarin is among the best mobile application development tools available. I don’t know why it doesn’t get more press. It is amazing.
  7. CoreCLR – This is the runtime for .NET Core.
  8. WPF – The Git repo for the WPF framework.
  9. WCF – The source repo for the WCF framework.
  10. Entity Framework Core – The Git repo for the port of Entity Framework to Entity Framework Core.


It is less likely that you have heard of these projects but some of them are very, very interesting.

  1. ML.NET – Microsoft’s machine learning framework for .NET.
  2. Avalonia – A very interesting project for creating a cross-platform UI framework.
  3. dnSpy – A .NET debugger and assembly editor.
  4. SmartStore.NET – An open source e-commerce solution. This is still ASP.NET MVC but interesting none the less.
  5. Kudu – A very useful project inside and out of Azure.

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