The 3 Best Self-Help Books I Have Read in 2018…so far

I read quite a bit. I read to fall asleep. I read to pass the time between Pomodoros when I am taking the short break. I read during lunch. I also listen to audio books and subscribe to Kindle Unlimited so I have plenty of options. However, I don’t typically read the most recent fad books unless I think I can get something out of them so these are not the latest but I do feel they are all three great books for different reasons.

1. You Are a Badass – Jen Sincero

I really liked the pacing and dry humor of this book. It felt like the author had been to the bottom and turned her life around and that is always inspiring. The humor, though. That is why you should read this book. It is self help in disguise. I read this one twice.

2. The 5 Second Rule – Mel Robbins

I have a huge procrastination problem. Like a lot of other people, if I have a deadline looming, my procrastination magically disappears and I get work done at a breakneck speed. Parkinson’s Law at work. The author explains a lot of the science behind the 5 Second Rule and more knowledge is always a good thing. While reading the book, I felt that it might help me with my procrastination problem but I have struggled to implement it into my daily routines. Whether I realize it or not, when procrastinating, I seem to just turn my brain off and veg out. Still, there are lessons in this book that can help anyone learn about their own procrastination problem.

3. I Will Teach You To Be Rich – Ramit Sethi

I love this book for the general common sense. Financial literacy is extremely bad in the USA and if this book were required reading in high school, it would improve that knowledge area by leaps and bounds. I have encouraged my own children to read the book since I finished it because the systems it encourages you to implement can create lasting change in your life. It doesn’t just tell you what to do, it gives you and action plan for either turning your life around or setting you up to succeed.

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