The Case Against Self-Aware ViewModels in ASP.NET MVC

ViewModels in ASP.NET MVC are a valuable tool and are widely considered a best practice in developing MVC applications. In this post, I will make a case for why ViewModels should NOT be self-aware. ViewModels are a commonly used mechanism to deliver everything a View needs in a single object. Without them, you would have to push them to the …

Using Unity in ASP.NET MVC 5 in Less than 5 Minutes

Unity is a dependency injection framework built by the Pattern and Practices team at Microsoft. In this post, I will give you a quick overview of implementing Unity into an ASP.NET MVC project very quickly. What is Unity? Unity is a very nicely integrated library from Microsoft that has both configuration-based and code-based dependency injection options. In this post, I …

Hello, World!

Hello! One quick introductory paragraph and I will get to what is important. My name is Jason Bentley. I have been a software engineer for nearly 20 years. I have worked for small businesses and Fortune 50 corporations. During that time, I have developed document management systems, project management systems, mobile apps and software used by realtors, utility workers, accountants, …