A Beginner’s Guide to Creating Custom ASP.NET MVC HTML Helpers

Introduction As a beginner, creating your own custom HTML Helpers might seem a bit daunting but it doesn’t have to be. Eventually, they boil down to simple HTML that all web developers are familiar with. In fact, HTML Helpers are very easy to create and the difficulty scales directly with the complexity of the problem you are trying to solve …

Software Development Basics – Object-Oriented Programming

Life is complex. Developing software is complex. When creating software that models life, a paradigm is needed to break that complexity down into something that we can comprehend and that can eventually be implemented into a computer program. Object-oriented programming or OOP is one of the best known and most practiced paradigms available. There are four main tenets or concepts that …

The World through the Lens of a New Engineer

I have been spending a lot of time lately trying to see the world through the lens of a new software engineer. It is difficult because I need to forget everything I know and approach the task of developing software as someone that has never written a line of code. This is not purely an educational pursuit. I am trying …

Repository Design Pattern in C# Part 2

This is part two of a two part series. The first post covers the thought process that I often go through when implementing the repository design pattern. This post will show a complete implementation. I want to start by saying that I don’t really have a preference as to whether repositories should be coarse-grained or fine-grained. However, I do find that …

Repository Design Pattern in C# Part 1

This is part one of a two part series. This post covers the thought process that I often go through when implementing the repository design pattern. The next post will show a complete implementation. The repository design pattern has become very popular in the .NET ecosystem in recent years mainly because it is a simple data access abstraction that can …

5 Must Know Visual Studio Tips and Tricks

Visual Studio is an extremely large program. You are very unlikely to use even half the features of the program during your career. It is a tool that is very easy to learn and very difficult to master. Here are 5 tips that will help you move in the right direction. ALT + B + U The ALT + B …

ASP.NET MVC Bundling and Minification for Beginners

Starting in version 4, ASP.NET MVC has been capable of bundling script and style files and minifying them to help make sites faster. Bundling and minification is not a black box. Its easy to see what is going on using only your browser. The image below is a default MVC application that has not been bundled.   Without Bundling and …

Two Unlikely Great Books to Read

I am a Kindle Unlimited subscriber. This opens up an entire world of books that I likely would not read otherwise in business, self-development, and fantasy (which I love) but, let’s be honest. Many of the books included in the Unlimited library just aren’t that great. I can’t count the number of books that I returned in disgust because the …