Working with Nullable Types in C#

Nullable types were a great addition to C#. They were added way back in C# 2.0 but there is still confusion on how to work with them for some developers, especially junior developers. In this post, I will provide an overview of the most efficient ways to work with them and use them correctly. What are Nullable Types? Nullable types …

A Brief Introduction to ASP.NET Core Middleware

One of the many changes that came with ASP.NET Core is a completely new model for the request pipeline. It is great, though, because it allows complete customization of how requests are handled in your application and there is an out-of-the-box solution for basic applications. Simple needs are serviced if the requirements are simple and the pipeline can be as …

Events and Delegates in C#

Events and Delegates are two topics in the .NET Framework that are truly misunderstood and many times not understood at all. This post will attempt to explain what events are, how they are related to delegates, and how to use them in your code. What Are Events? Events are a way for objects in the .NET Framework or your own …

The Crazy Dangers of Overcommitment

I am always horrified and somewhat amused at how we (I) become overcommitted. It happens to me far too often and there are a couple of really simple reasons why. While the reasons may be easily understood, they are not nearly as easy to control. Popular Reasons We Overcommit First, saying yes is very easy. Saying no is very hard. There …