Entity Framework Code First for Beginners Part 1 – Setup

This post is part 1 of 4 covering Entity Framework Code-First for Beginners. Part 1 – Setting Up Entity Framework Code-First for Beginners Part 2 – Migrations in Entity Framework Code-First Part 3 – DbContext Part 4 – Entity Framework Code-First Extras Entity Framework code-first doesn’t always get the love that database-first does for beginners but in this post, I …

Using SignalR in an ASP.NET MVC Application

SignalR is a real-time communication framework from Microsoft. SignalR can be used for communications between the server and client and between clients by using the server as a go between. In this post, I will show you how to create yet another chat application (there are many already out there using SignalR) but I will look at some of the …

How do You Determine What to Learn Next?

It’s no secret that as developers, the learning curve is literally never ending. It is just impossible to stay caught up completely on a modern set of skills. In this post, I will show my method of how I determine what I will learn next. If you have ever read The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People you are probably …

Creating an Entity Framework Interceptor to Log All Queries

Debugging queries generated by Entity Framework can be a huge hassle. In the past, the easiest way to was to either use an Entity Framework profiler and most of them are not free or use a profiler in the database engine to capture them. However, Entity Framework has the concept of an Interceptor that can be used to perform some …

ng-conf 2018 Review

I attended ng-conf 2018 from April 18 – April 20. Below are some of my thoughts. I will (mostly) stick to the meat of the conference, the content, but will stray into a few off topic areas. In an effort to be transparent, I think the conference was great and my goal here is to persuade you to attend next …